
DR JARRET BRACHMAN is an internationally recognized al-Qa`ida specialist. The Associated Press has called him an “information warrior.” Al-Qaida’s supporters have called him the “excrement from Satan’s butt.” Even Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the deputy director of al-Qaida, has cursed him by name on multiple occassions.

Brachman routinely advises local, state and federal law enforcement, intelligence, military agencies and the private sector on al-Qa`ida. Brachman has testified before the House Armed Services Committee and the British House of Lords and his research is regularly covered in the press. After spending four years as the Director of Research of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, Brachman returned to the Midwest where he directs NDSU’s Center for Transportation Security (UGPTI) and advises clients on terrorism challenges.

Jarret’s recent book, Global Jihadism: Theory and Practice, is now available through Routledge Press.