Stan, I missed the background to your reference to McCain. Can you direct me please?

Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong herein, but other than not seeing what was already pre-planned in Moscow, and, Crimea practically OK with the invasion, what more should we as a collective society have done ?

When McCain was told to send in 50,000 troops and provide a 5 million dollar guarantee immediately he nearly fell over. The sad reality is, 50,000 troops and logistics for a month will more than likely cost the American public 50 million.

Whilst McCain died from laughing, he was right.
Who is going to fund this boondoggle when it seems that half of the Ukraine is getting by with MREs and running at the first sight of a military skirmish.

In Africa it took decades to be fed up.

How long will it take the Ukrainian people to become fed up and revolt. Does not appear that enough of them are fed up.

Regards, Stan