No solution for grand strategy, but another piece in the conflict by the Guardian titled 'The readers' editor on… pro-Russia trolling below the line on Ukraine stories'. I have already pointed to an older story, pre-Crimea, with some detailed information on how 'fingers on the keyboard' get recruited to serve Putin's political interests. The Guardian has another older one, which I missed.

It is needless to say that current format of discussion and voting works pretty well in normal times, just like diplomacy. However if one side goes to war it can no longer function normally. An interesting aspect of the whole story is that not only the Kremlinbots vote each other up but also the useful non-payed idiots collect lots of Kremlin vote love. So that lot, often 'real users' tops recently the comment lists with their drivel.

The final word goes to Luke Harding: "It is not Comment is free, but rather Comment is paid for."