Quote Originally Posted by reed11b View Post
Ironically my experience is exactly the opposite. During peace-time, the wannabe Rangers and wound-too-tight-around-the-axles NCO’s overused “smoking” and public humiliation for minor infringements on regs. During war-time, the wannabes were not so gung-ho to harass a soldier w/ a loaded weapon and the wound-tight-around-the-axles NCO’s were either in hot water w/ command or had been sent home.
The post Viet Nam period was a long peacetime spell where a lot of bad habits grew and DS/DS wasn't long enough to break the cycle.

Consider also that given a war, there's less time -- and tolerance -- for mundane BS. I've never seen good NCOs back down from squaring away a troop who needed it regardless of said troops weapons possession. Or said troop's attitude...