My heart brun is with the supposed experts not those who have been there done that and can help. According to most of these so called mental health experts I'm psycho according to their tests (have failed every psych eval I have taken). If you read most of what I was getting at is that as a society we have taken on the victim role instead of accepting responsibility......thus leading into metally weaker individuals who do not know how to handle the situations they face. This leads into my lost limb comment. It is on the individual, you can choose to be the victim or not and it is that victim who everyone sees, not the guy on one leg doing a scuba certification to see if he can still be on a scuba team with one good leg. Guess what he did it. Another personal example is my best friend has had 7 surgeries in 15 months to fix a shattered foot from an IED and is still not fixed. He told his doctors to cut his leg off below the knee so he could at least get back to doing his job. He was the only guy in the vehicle to survive, he is doing fine. This is the nature of the men I work with so yes when I hear some FOBBIT crying about PTSD from sitting on a FOB for a year I tend to be a bit ticked off. Understand the culture I come from and you easily see why this irrates the hell out of us. On the occasion it happens to one of our own we take care of them. We could go back and forth all day long, to get at the heart of issue is that when enough experts tell you something is wrong you begin to believe something is wrong even though there isn't. Awareness at the individual level is key, we know each other better than anyone, we know when someone is not their self, and we help that individual. This is the way to cut through the BS. Yes not everyone is wired the same way to handle everything thrown at them, but there are ways that lead to prevention. Let's look at the kinder gentler Army of today. When soldiers are no longer pushed, stressed mentally and physically are we doing them a disservice or we helping them? I tend to lean to fact that we are providing a disservice. As standards continue to drop more problems will continue to arise.