After a long hiatus from this blog site I have returned with hopefully something worth contributing. I just recently returned from Afghanistan and the commander of the CJSOTF calls his fight there an insurgency. Granted, the question of Karazai's legitimacy are valid arguments and I would agree that both the Taliban and even some members of the 'coalition' do not view him as anything more than the Mayor of Kabul. However, I do believe it is the intent of the Taliban to overthrow/rid/eradicate the current government (despite its lack of legitimacy and influence throughout the country) and return to the pre-9/11 days of Taliban rule. I am not a supporter of short term negotiations or discussions with the Taliban in hopes of some power sharing deal or semi-autonomy in the south while hopefully initiatives else where will sprinkle the 'fairy dust' of democracy (or its associated values) to the rest of Afghanistan in hopes the people will see the error in Taliban iedology. That type of strategy falls well short of appreciating the complex and various cultures and beliefs of the Afghan people, plus I don't see NATO or the U.S. maintaining the committment necessary (10+ years) for that to come to fruition. Long term the Taliban will rise and will attempt to take back control of the country. Although it gets no media coverage here there is plenty of evidence to support this in-country from captured and purchased propoganda the Taliban distribute throughout the country. They might settle for the south near term, but their long term strategy is the whole enchilada.