I would agree and go one futher (a father of six that is).

The nature of our profession today (highly specialized and very complex) does not len itsself well to the short tours that are inherent in draft armies. This has only become true in the past few years. It will be even more so in the next few as we religiously leverage technology to make up for our average lack of testicular fortitude.

I would be in favor of such a mandatory service with say, the State Dept, compellees we'll call them. And they could do may be, FSO type work unless the qualify for something better. Degree holders only I think. Money wise, they wouldn't need much if they were living in a trailer in the desert. And if they're bitter, who cares! Exemptions for military service. SD could use the bodies, Lord knows that would bring an influx of talent.

Might free up some military too.