I remember going into many remote Afghan villages where it seemed every blonde hair, blue eyed Afghan boy had his finger nails dyed. The signifignce to this is that marked them as the village (how to say this politically correct) sex slave I guess is best. This was rampant throughout the country.

On another note I'll never forget the video footage of an overwatch position from SAS folks showing an Afghan male utilizing a stump to put a whole new meaning to the "donkey show". Took weeks before I could keep a straight face whenever I heard a donkey hee-haw, and even now still chuckle sometimes.

One of the most difficult tasks is not to let your own culture and morals reflect upon executing your missions. Not too long ago we our selves were marrying much younger and having children with 13 year olds. It was the acceptable norm back then, as there are things we do now that others think are completely unacceptable.