Quote Originally Posted by Voodoun View Post
...As far as RC CA/PSYOP being scruffy and needing haircuts, I think there is a need for these groups to culturally distinguish themselves from the high and tight 82nd types. In the Arab world, for instance, facial hair and beards are immediate symbols of virility, power, and trustworthiness. I cannot stand facial hair on myself, and I look absolutely retarded with a mustache, but bet your britches I'm growing one out when I get deployed (hopefully I can stand it). From what I've seen there's an intentional cultivation of that scruffier look specifically in order to present a less militant and hostile image to the population.

Does this come across as lazy or rebellious to Commanders?
You can grow a mustache and not have a high and tight, and still be within Army regulations. As pointed out below, it probably doesn't make that much difference.

The PSYOP team sergeant that we inherited on our A-stan deployment (he rotated about 3 months after we arrived) had a great Grizzly Adams red beard, modified DCUs with velcro all over, and absolutely no badges, patches, nametags, anything. He also wore a pro-tech helmet and a plate carrier whenever he could (we ended up threatening to leave him on the FOB if he didn't conform to PPE directives). His excuse was "I have to blend in, there is a price on my head because I am a SOF guy"- I've got news for you- you stick out like a sore thumb, because you are getting out of an Up Armor HMMWV. If you want to blend in, try looking like the other 30 Americans you are traveling with. Guys like this give PSYOPpers a bad name.

Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
And let's not even get started on the dreaded rolling of sleeves. Folding back the cuff of one's sleeve about two inches? That has scarred many mens' souls...
That is just lack of standards. Wear the uniform, wear it right, its not that hard. Out humping the mountains, I got it- you do what needs to be done. If you don't have the discipline to get your uniform right when you come back on the FOB, why should I believe you have the discipline to clear your weapon right, take care of your vehicles right, or do anything else right. And if you live on the FOB, and your only exposure to the heat is the walk from work to the DFAC (or from your NTV to the DFAC), you have no excuse whatsoever.