My second trip out, two new PSYOPers attached to us reported directly to the J-4 and asked: "Can we have some knives and watches?" A couple of days later, they put each other in for CABs when a bird they were in got one or two rounds fired at it. Classic.

Anecdotal and not fully reflecting upon the community, I know, but one of the biggest challenges I saw the CA/PSYOP guys face was the "kit makes the man" mentality. Work with SF? Awesome. Lots of people do, but beards, sterile ACUs and a bunch of kit you can't use right aren't required for the job. Sometimes, the more you try to fit in, the more you stand out. The locals have figured out that Joe isn't always allowed to sport the Grizzly Adams. Grow a porn/CW3 'stache and work from there. Just be mellow, and things will work out.

Quote Originally Posted by Voodoun View Post

Bill Moore mentioned the superficiality of fitting it, and I totally agree, so my question is, what are some of the deeper 'fitting in' methods you would suggest? I mean, I'm as culturally aware it gets, having grown up with Arab culture in my intimate surroundings, but what specific things can soldiers who work with the people do to fit in better?