We need as a country to do a better job of determining what is truly secret and what is just operational knowledge that should be passed on to the end user. While I understand the sources and methods argument, I think at least on the methods end, it's over rated. There is so much information out there that it doesn't take much to put the pieces together in a lot of cases. This obsession on security is more a problem than assistance in the big scheme of things. The bad guys are exploiting every means of commo out there and are a smart adversary. They are sharing what they know. Jails, Prison or Juvenile Detection are like colleges for the miscreants. They pass out information. Another example is the hacker forums on the net. 2600 and another one that escapes my memory are like text books. While there is some misinformation, I would bet money they are more accurate in most cases than the major media outlets.

Some of this secret squirrel nonsense just creates stovepipes in information sharing. The bad guys don't worry about bureaucratic classification levels, they just give the end user what they need to know to accomplish the mission. I could go on with various TTPs that get people up in arms that are common knowledge in novels, TV shows like the Wire, or Film. To repeat once again, the bad guys are sharing what they know. It would be great if we could figure out a system where we could, without worrying about getting into trouble.