There are fellowships through the National Security Education Program and administered by that require either area studies or language studies to supplement ones education.
I don't know if military are excluded from these, but they are graduate only and the only criteria seem to be how your studies will positively impact US national security; as opposed to NSA, CIA, and State scholarships that require some commitment and background check.
This seems to be part of a larger effort to create a generation of individuals capable of meeting the needs of the Military and Intelligence community that may have been neglected in the previous generation, or incorrectly targeted towards other languages/area studies.
I have heard from some US military veterans that the downfall of US capability in this arena was the result of funding cuts made during the Clinton administration. I am interested to see what the future brings in this respect, even though it seems unlikely that overall military spending will be cut, due to the precarious nature of security at this time.