Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
Hi 120,

'tis a real problem that has only gotten worse in the past 20 years. It's really a problem of numbers: too many people apply for too many positions. The HR "solution" () was to computerize using simple keyword searches, a process that allowed junior HR dweebs to "go through" thousands of resumes an hour. Of course, that meant that you could get rid of those expensive senior HR people who actually knew something about the real job requirements .

So, now lists are king, ~30-50% of HR people doing the hiring have no idea about what they are hiring for, and the name is mistaken for the thing.

BTW, if you want me to give you a reference let me know ....
If I could, I'll take you up on that. I am rather frantically looking for my next job, as my contract expires in 6 months, and I don't want to be the last one standing. Plus, I think I need to get overseas with this gig, for a variety of reasons.

Quote Originally Posted by CR6 View Post
standing outside the HR guy's window wearing a trenchcoat and blaring some Peter Gabriel from a boombox? It worked for John Cusack...
Yeah, but look how poorly it worked for Stan Barflowski

As an update to my efforts, the individual I was competing with ended up turning down the job, but since she had a PhD, the customer now believes they need someone with a PhD, despite having advertised for someone with a Master's. They are now looking at an unfilled position, but since they've rejected me, (officially - they sent an e-mail and everything) I am tainted goods.

I am taking bets that they hire someone less qualified than me a few months down the road, and the job will be unfilled until then.

I am currently dealing with the HR department of another prospective employer who just asked me to rewrite my resume, again, despite their unintention of ever hiring me. It seems that there is a "standard" resume they have to adhere to, and failure to have your resume "standard" is a fail to their HR department.

Of course, they furnish an example resume, but do not explain what makes it "standard". I am humoring them by resubmitting mine in different forms just to get triangulation on what they consider "standard."