Wolfsberger, sorry, your comments are simply not accurate. The Umayyads were distinctly political more than religious, which is why they were overthrown by the 'Abassids, LONG before the First Crusades. To claim that religious ferver was the driving force behind the Umayyad geopolitical expansion is to contradict everyone from Bernard Lewis to Edward Said, and to claim that Pope Urban II called a Crusade to resist the long-ended Umayyad Caliphate is to call into question the linear nature of time.

Hitler was a Christian, was the Nazi expansion a religious matter? Not by most accounts.

The point I made, and which still stands, is that violent Christian movements have faded away. Where they once dominated the course of Western conflict, they are now a tiny abberation that manifests its self VERY rarely in the actions of a few individuals, not large scale movements.