Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
Just sniping here, but you do too have an interest. You pay taxes, just like the rest of us.
True. However, there are about 5,697 things on my list that are more of a waste my tax dollars; more than BAH for deployed single guys. That is something I actually don't mind paying for. $4 billion for global warming/carbon emmissions research chaps my ass a little more...

And please, spare me the "holy sainted soldier" b.s.. Frankly, soldier pay is more than ample, now. Especially since a significant amount of it is direct benefit, which makes their net pay seem smaller.
Agreed. I think the pay is awesome. I am a man with mediocre talent and very average intelligence; I don't think I could make this much money/great benefits anwhere else. I make a pretty good living in the military, and I'm thankful for all that the Army provides for me and my family.