Quote Originally Posted by Bullmoose Bailey View Post
My Dear Major, you will, I think, find that Our Army has ever and shall ever discriminate against whomever it very well pleases, in the interest of accomplishing its mission of National Defense. This Mission First attitude is actually one of the most admirable traits of Our Army for me personally. Even if I sympathise with the single, the obese, the female, the convicted, the gay or other groups who are collectively & individually discriminated against by Our Army and its many seperate policies & regulations, I sleep much sounder at night knowing that we are focused primarily on defense "This We'll Defend" being Our Motto.

Seperately I wish to draw your attention to the fact that our Nation is in the midst of a great financial and monetary crisis and certain belt tightening measures are in order, even within Our beloved Military-Industrial Complex. Priorities will shift from one administration to another; if Our C-in-c and Our Congress see fit to withdraw dubious payments from our Servicemembers then so be it.
You can't be serious. I think that our tax dollars are spent on much more rediculous things than BAH for deployed Soldiers.