Received the below via e-mail. This one has not popped up on my radar screen yet. Book is a free download or available for purchase via Amazon. See links at end of quote.

E. M. Van Court said, "You might try sharing it with forum members on the discussions boards. They have lively conversations among a wide range of academics, military professionals, and concerned citizens on topics like those in your book."So, we ask you to consider our new book. It is a riveting novel that probes the deepest thoughts of radical Muslim terror.
Concerned about terrorism and national security, 63 people, who met only onthe Internet, came together to write the book. The result is an electrifying novel about a moderate Muslim who forms a small group of people to defeat terrorism and make millions of dollars in the process.
A major plus for the book is the combined expertise of the many writers. They include journalists, scientists, stockbrokers, federal agents, Muslims, martial-artists and elite military men, and others. These experts wrote an extremely creative book that, in real life, should actually work to stop terrorism.
They met in cyberspace on “ads for writers” at the free Craiglists site. The unifying factor was their desire to educate people about radical Muslim thought and to develop a way to end terrorism. The result is the astonishing book, Terror Terror Terror.
To allow as many people as possible to read the book, the entire book is available absolutely free at: It is also included as an attachment to this email. Feel free to forward the book to anyone you choose.
For your reviews, the Amazon link for the book is: Amazon link.
Thank you for your consideration,
The Authors