If your talkin Army your talkin fix-it-itus See a problem; fix-it.

The approach is almost always OK here's the deal and heres what I'm gonna do about it. Any changes that would be addressed in trying to make a more developmentally minded approach to those given problem-sets would seem to have to start from ground up. Recognition of a given thing is highly tied to ones perspectives both philosophically and physically.

By physically I mean you tend to find solutions through the lense of the possible as you know it. As has been pointed out so often throughout our conversations here that can and will be very different anywhere you go.
So if thats the case then what can one do to change that mindset?

The mental part is probably the easiest in some ways because most of it can be approached through education, training, and just good ol practical exercise. The latter though may be where it becomes difficult to develop an across the board common capability as you would almost have to relearn everything you've experienced in life through a different lense in order to even come close to "thinkin like the natives". And in essense isn't this what we're really talking about with developmental thought.

I think about the posting George had on Tech in Afghanistan, who among us can think of ways and items to put there which can "change their world" tech wise yet how many of same actually have an idea of what its like to know the world is flat yet not fall off the edge when floating over the horizon. The particular awakening required for real development in any course of action, thought, or deed is something that no matter how hard one try's you really can't give someone else, they have to choose it for themselves.

That takes time and they'll pick and choose whats comfortable.

So in the end all that said to ask but one question.
If we're looking for what the right mindset/approach/? is wouldn't value oriented salemanship be closer to the requirement. If you can't get buy-in you got nothin.