Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
When you said the third team becomes 3rd C2 Cel?

Is that the short team from each Squad? The numbers don't work if the third team becomes C2-C The Squad has become your standard 9 man Meck and Lite Infantry Squad not two bigger elements of 6 and 5 + the SL = 12.

C2-A: Plt Cmdr, RTO, Plt Gde, & 1 of the Rifleman.
C2-B: Plt Sgt, Corpsman, 2 other Rifleman.
C2-C: Fires Coordinator Chief, Squad Radio Operator, Combat Life Saver.

Does this mean that the Right Guide can't be the Fires
Coordinator? Or the Plootoon Sgt.

Seems to me that the message may have gotten garbled during the sorce translation.

Perhaps someone can clairfiy the juggling!

I'll give a shot... 1st keep in mind that this is going to be at levels of Dispersion well BEYOND any previous Infantry Plt. The Plt's could be Operating at anywhere fr/ 5km-50km+ fr/ the Company or BN.

Each Squad could be patrolling at anywhere fr/ 1-10km from the PltCmdr/PltSgt. Each Fire Team at up to a km fr/ the SqLdr.

The EACH Squad becomes:
2x 4 man Fire Teams
1x 4 man C2 team made up of:
1x SL
1x Fires Chief(former 3rd tm ldr)- Draws up complex Fire Mission including Level II CAS, much like a 0861 Fire Support Specialist(lite).
1x Squad RTO- Operating at extended ranges the Sqd will need a VHF band to talk back to the Plt & SATCOM to reach back for Fires.
1x Combat Life Saver

Each Sqd when Dispersed will set up this way, to cover large swaths of land.

The Plt Cdr & Plt Sgt will each form separate Plt Command Cells:
Switching ON/OFF relieving each other they will control the overall actions in the AO 24/7. Everything fr/ Processing Intel, to assigning targets, to Handle Logistics, etc. basically operate like a CO HQ.

[/QUOTE]Especially this description of the squad becoming two 6 man elements, er, one 6 and one 5 men elements with an independent SL, should he not want to join one of the elements.[/QUOTE]

They haven't really released many details on this one yet. It was going to be utilized but is now on the shelf but is still being introduced, though not to the extent it was orignally designed to be utilized in. It is being intro'd in a package w/ the new program COMBAT HUNTER.

In the CH program Marines learn to conduct Advanced Forms of Observation & Surveillance, Camouflage & Concealment, Stalking &Tracking, & Individual Profiling of whole towns & villages. Building Profiles on suspicious individuals & activities fr/ a concealed position for capture & disruption.

The Closing event is breaking into 6man Tracking teams to track an Individual for capture or elimination.

[/QUOTE]Explain what a Combat Life Saver is????. We useta call them Corpsmen.[/QUOTE]

Combat Lifesaver is a program the Corps started in '02. 1 Marine fr/each squad is trained in CL Course which was basically a Combat Medic Course (lite).

Needles for IV, Trachea tubes for breathing etc. its a very in depth course. I believe the Army requires it now also.

Also K.I.M. this also ties into the future Concept of the "SC MAGTF" in which 1 Marine BN each would be spread across a whole Theater Command in Company sized Detachments.

These CO-DETs would be based either at sea or in friendly nations around particular regions and send out Plt sized Dets to various nations in that region to conduct various FID training missions.

These would be 6mth Deployments w/ certain Regiments Specializing in certain Regions therefore sending the same units to the same areas continuously, developing a Repoirte w/ the locals, but most importantly vital constant intel.