I've been working on several excercises/"experiments" dealing with the navy's Maritime Operations Center (MOC) development, and one of the big issues I'm seeing is in the area f assessment. The broad framework the MOC is working under is supporting a commander's decision cycle consisting of Plan - Decide - Monitor - Assess. We are making some progress (finally) on the Plan side - and the Decide and Monitor have bumps but have been the most solid - leaving us with Assessment as the red-headed stepchild of the bunch.

The closest thing to a "theory of assessment" I've been able to find is in the ONA - based system of systems analysis writing (lately under fire if not discredited, at least at JFCOM). So what has replaced ONA-SoSA? Or is its principles still around under fresh acronyms? Joint doctrine seems jam packed with a wide variety of assessments to be done, but almost nothing on methodology.

Thanks for any enlightenment!