Quote Originally Posted by Boot View Post
...how do GPF, man, train and equip for this task. Its easy to state that they will be involved, but what does that mean? And as you pointed out, GPF are already doing so in OIF/OEF, so if this is to be an enduring capability and core competency of GPF, then how do you man, train, equip and employ. Who has C2? TSOC's? The MilGrp's and of course in combat its already addressed in OIF/OEF.
In order; You take a Bn (or if more persons are needed, a Bde or Regt), form a TF with those added skills needed in the form of attachments (particularly CA, Engr, Intel, MP and PsyOp) for the specific mission for which the unit is tasked and you train those people together for 90-180 days.

That training should orient to the precise mission and language training should be a large part of it. The training can be conducted mostly by the unit with some MTT assistance and specific Language assistance provided by contract (Most of the civilian instructors in DLI aren't too flexible...) and a graded final workup at at major training center. Equipping should not be a major problem other than added wheeled vehicles; all mission dependent, of course. The key to all that is a defined mission as opposed to the ad hoc methods used so far in OEF/OIF.

That doesn't mean I think all that is easy or simple -- I know very well that it is not. Not one bit. However, I also know it can be done and that we are capable of doing it. We may get an inkling on how well this works with the Bde from the 82d Airplane tabbed to go to Afghanistan which is apparently using that model or something along that line.

As Bob said it gets done under the C2 of the Country Team and an Army or Marine Bn Cbt Tm may find itself guided by an SF Major -- or even a Captain -- or the rep may be the DAO. All one has to remember is that guy or gal is representing the Ambassador who is in turn representing the Prez ...

TSOCs shouldn't be involved unless finally USASOC realizes they have an FID / SFA role that goes beyond their current focus. Hopefully, they will and they will assist in the training of GPF units for these missions. One would expect the proponent for something to be involved. Directly involved...