Nice comments gents but why are you talking about A.Q. in Afghanistan if that's the target and mission?

The number of A.Q. operatives and senior commanders we've caught or killed there is decidedly small.

They're not there. Why should they be? Place is crawling with ISAF, jets, and drones

Pretty expensive and mis-directed C.T. mission for a bunch of targets elsewhere. Pretty botched and mis-managed COIN mission if nation-building's the intent.

Trillion dollar mission?

Can we just write each afghan a cheque for $2000 and call it a day? Figure that'll save us $400B, a lot of afghan and ISAF lives, and we can go ahuntin' for ol' A.Q elsewhere.

Think I saw OBL in Portland, Oregon on Halloween eve. Sure looked like him anyway. Zawahiri too.

Couple of hotties with 'em too. Man, do they know how to party!