"Napolitano: Veterans are Targets of Right-Wing Extremist Recruiters
Homeland security chief says report could have been written differently, but imperative was to release details on right-wing extremists.

It added that new restrictions on gun ownership and the difficulty of veterans to reintegrate into their communities "could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.

Of particular interest among radicals is possible recruitment of returning troops with "combat skills and experience" so as to boost their "violent capabilities," the report said. "

She isn't saying much about military personnel, all their training, all their loyalty, all their discipline, all their commitment, all their sacrifice, all their professionalism, all their hard work, all their pride, blod sweat and tears so strongly manifested since the start of two major wars in this decade. Where in the he** is she getting such information and conclusions to make such a vile inference?

The Legion steps up to the plate:

"But American Legion National Commander David Rehbein, who is to meet with Napolitano on Friday, told FOX News on Sunday the evidence suggests that troops are more likely to be first responders than extremists during an attack on the homeland. He added that he is less concerned about the apology than about the way the department reached its conclusions. "

Well no kidding, a voice of reality amidst some downright stupidity coming from a national leader. I am enough of a fossil to recall the days when the Red Menace was a threat and people worried that the Russians might invade. Calmer heads prevailed saying they probably couldn't build enough ships to get that many men over here in the first place but if they did, millions of Vets with deer rifles would be backing up our military on the beaches.