
I read your document on how to Plan, Organize and Train for SFA, but I think you made a critical assumption that the BCT staff would only be conducting the SFA Mission and not full spectrum operations to include COIN operations.

Your suggested staff organization and the development of external integration cells might impede the BCT's ability to conduct FSO. I would submit that the SFA BCT needs to maintain its combat force capability and continue to generate target sets. The continued targeting process may be used to generate confidence targets for the FSF or police forces by going after low-hanging fruit. Meanwhile, the BCT and SOF elements would retain the capability to conduct unilateral missions against HVTs. I am using the current state of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for my premise of unilateral missions.

I enjoyed the article because it gives BCTs augmented for SFA a point of departure and I thank you for taking the time to write the article.

MAJ Jason D. Adams