Hi everyone,

Here is a new thread for thought. "Anti-war" groups like Code Pink claim they present a peace movement, but after doing research on them, they come out of the Bolshevik revolution and extreme Marxism, yet are considered a tax exempt organization by the government. They defaced a military recruitment office in Berkley, California a few years ago, which amounts to vandalism. And during Gen. Petraeus's hearings in 2007, they had to be escorted out of the Armed Forces Hearing for disruption. Being anti-war is one thing, this is radicalism to the extreme.

I think the bottom line is this: there will always be crazies out there, thus militaries are necessary for national self defense. I wish everyone on the face of the planet got along with everyone and loved his neighbor like himself, but realistically, that wouldn't happen. When I was reading Gen. Petraeus's statement on the Centcom website, he stated that 3 Afghan civilians got beheaded when denying the Taliban aid in a village. After the beheadings, the Afghan security forces then called on US forces for support. And I think then the Taliban kept Afghan civilians as hostages inside houses when US airstrikes occured. You don't hear about the people being beheaded in mainstream news.

I think its very sad that the civilians got killed, but the problem is the Taliban. All the mainstream news does is show the sensationalism of the civilians who got injured. A lot of Centcom videos on youtube showed US forces helping the Afghan security forces, like putting in technology for clean drinking water and teaching first aid to Afghan medics save lives.

I asked a Marine recruiter on my campus why the news was biased and doesn't show humanitarian aid given by US forces, as well as explaining the entire story of the 3 civilians that got beheaded. He told me "people see what they want to see, even if its not the truth." I agreed with him. Things are never black and white, but shades of color, as I learned on the board here Yes, I'm still trying to learn in color, but I collected those thoughts since the last time I posted. Thoughts? Comments? Opinions?