Two items found today. A comment piece by an Indian postgrad student on the RUSI website:

Has this on polling in the FATA, yes I concede a few issues with that:
A survey of 550 FATA residents by a Pakistan based organisation found that 52 per cent of those surveyed considered the drones accurate. 58 per cent did not think anti-American sentiment had been inflamed by drone attacks, 70 per cent thought the Pakistani military should carry out targeted strikes, and 60 per cent judged that militant organisations were being damaged. If accurate and reliable, these figures fly in the face of popular reports. Farhat Taj, a researcher from the organisation conducting the study, argued that the people of Waziristan 'see the US drone attacks as their liberators from the clutches of the terrorists into which, they say, their state has wilfully thrown them'.
Plus the author and group doing the polling are not fully id'd.

Again in the UK, a report in The Guardian on the RAF use of drones, which is unusual. Apparently based on FOI requests: and the:
The MoD says there have been no reports of RAF drones killing civilians.