Quote Originally Posted by RedRaven View Post
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I approach the end of undergrad I am settling on going onto higher levels of education and focusing on National Security and especially terrorism/revolution/small wars and intelligence (as at this moment my long term, hoped for, goal is to join the intelligence community).
That is a great topical list. It should give you a minor background in the discipline but won't actually help you through a good graduate program. But, then again what would "I" know about graduate studies....

I'd suggest you forwith, post haste, absurdly speedo read a few other things.

Thomas Kuhn, "The structure of scientific revolutions"


Karl Popper, "Conjectures and Refutation: The growth of scientific knowledge"

You will need these.....

Michael Alley, "The craft of scientific writing"

Michael Alley, "The craft of scientific presentations"

Then in this corner...

Garr Reynolds, "Presentation Zen simple ideas on presentation design and delivery"

For the dreaded group projects a suggestion....

David Straker, "Rapid Problem Solving with Post-It notes"

Someday I'll post a youtube video on how to read. I know you think you know how, but you don't really. You likely read in serial and front to back. That is wrong. But, that is a topic for another day.