A short article from the Jamestown Foundation refers to technical issues with aircraft, a ship (no guesses which one) and tanks:https://jamestown.org/program/russia...y-paper-tiger/

This caught my attention on manpower:
By October 1, the numbers of kontraktniki, warrant officers and sergeants accounted for 85.3 percent of the set targets, which are scheduled to rise to 100 percent in 2018. This means that, by 2018, the Armed Forces will have 220,000 officers, 50,000 warrant officers, 425,000 kontraktniki and “around 300,000 conscripts.”
I know the Russians have relied more on officers than NCOs, but this seems rather lop-sided. Are the contractors not allowed to hold officer or NCO rank?
This means that, by 2018, the Armed Forces will have 220,000 officers, 50,000 warrant officers, 425,000 kontraktniki and “around 300,000 conscripts.” - See more at: https://jamestown.org/program/russia....Nmc9i4v3.dpuf