Quote Originally Posted by Ron Humphrey View Post
Waaaay down there somewhere beneath the totem pole, but

Even accepting that the SecDef has some major political impetus placed upon them in reference to what the administration would want, I find it very hard to imagine or accept that this particular one would not have tried to keep the line at least open "if" he felt that it was necessary for our security.

Am I mistaken in my perception that our current SecDef has been more than open to constructive feedback from all quarters?

I'm also low on the totem pole, so I don't know either. I do know that the commander of Air Combat Command thinks that 187 F-22s isn't enough to meet the national military strategy - see article here.

According to testimony by Sen Orrin Hatch, the "study" that Sec Gates used to justify cutting the F-22 don't exist. Testimony is here.

As I understand, congress is a little miffed as they don't think the language passed in 2007 requiring a comprehensive TACAIR study be accomplished was complied with.

