It's been said before, the U.S. hasn't been in Afghanistan for 10 years, we've been there for 1 year, 10 times in a row...

And I gotta ask this of George Singleton, who posted:

"In Afghanistan specifically a huge number of Pashtuns, and other ethnic groups of smaller numbers, are totally and literally illiterate."

"Literally illiterate" gave me a that would imply that they're "figuratively literate" then? lol...

I read thru that article that was at the beginning of this post, and if they don't understand if their main mission is COIN or CT, then they're in a world of hurt as far as organizing, training, and equipping their troops for mission success. I hate to say this, but I think VP Joe Biden got it right when he said that our focus in Afghanistan should be on CT, not COIN. CT doesn't require anywhere near the amount of resources or risk that COIN does.