Quote Originally Posted by Dr Jack View Post
Mike - design will complement formal / detailed planning processes, such as MDMP and JOPP - it certainly won't replace these systems. It also won't just look at "re-thinking" or reframing problems, but be the conceptual component that a commander does for detailed planning - that can take place before initiating MDMP/JOPP, during MDMP/JOPP, or doing execution of a mission.

Dr. Jack,

Sir, I'm all for innovation and y'alls way ahead, but as I tried to express in my earlier comment, we must keep it KISS (Keep it simple stupid). I always deferred to my PSG test...If after briefing something, my PSG's found what I was saying incomprehensible, then I tried to reexplain it...

In context, and I'm not trying to marginalize what you're doing, if the boys cannot comprehend it b/c your using post-modern buzzwords from acadamie, then your efforts will be as fruitless as Effects Based Operations (EBO).

I hope this is helpful in your planning...I suppose the bottom line is that someone should not need a post-graduate degree to understand the planning.
I only stated this b/c I believe what you and TRADOC are trying to accomplish is important.

