Quote Originally Posted by Courtney Massengale View Post
I can only speak for myself and not the other guy who has just "massengale"...

The Officers I have known who view the Corps as populated by either Sam Damons or Courtney Massengales tend to have difficulties determining the difference between reality and fiction. If you choose to emulate a fictional protagonist dreamed up by a Marine E-5 as your Army leadership role model, something has gone horribly wrong.

And let’s not forget that Sad Sam cheated on his wife and resorts to tossing people down stairs or threatening to fight them in a warehouse if they don’t agree with him.

In the name of full disclosure, my second boss in the Army was a Major who viewed himself as Sam Damon and had a gigantic black and white photo of The Duke in The Green Berets in his office. He was woefully incompetent (light guy in a heavy unit syndrome) and used obtuse and uneven methods to “prove” he was Sam Damon. Which, by default, made the rest of us (ie everyone) who didn’t fit his self-fulfilling criteria….


Courtney Massengales
But for someone with such an aversion to taking what a Marine E-5 dreams up seriously, you did name yourself after a character he dreamed up to represent everything bad in self-serving, career oriented officers.

Just seems odd to me, but that's just me.

And as you noted, your self-deluded former boss was no Sam Damon, but then no one is or was.

I've always said I've learned from everyone I ever worked for or with. Either how to do something, or how not to. Trick in life is to pick your role models wisely. As to once an eagle, I enjoyed the book and could empathize more with Damon, no more, no less.