Honestly, when I read about this campaign earlier in the week, I was a little skeptical. That video was better than I expected though. Was much better than previous, "Hey, you'll get job training and teamwork experience that you can use later in another job." That said, I don't think it will solve the shortage of officers (some on this board state we are already overstrength in officers, and maybe we are, but the 2 Battalions I served in were always short and fighting for people).

For years the Army denied or explained away that there were not enough LTs or CPTs staying in. Now not enough CPTs, MAJs, and even LTCs are staying for duration. The Army claims it is because of the expansion of BCTs, not retention. Maybe, but some of the best and brightest I went thru OBC with are now working on the outside or in grad school. Many in my recent CCC course are planning to do another deployment, finish out that bonus contract, and then move on. The problems keeping those already in are greater than attracting people already out of school and working/or not.

None of the officers I've served with joined bc of a commercial. It's nice that the Army is recognizing that officers do more than drink coffee and do paperwork, but I don't know if this campaign will achieve the desired goals. Maybe more Officers working as recruiters that can actually explain to students what is involved in ROTC/OCS/USMA and what life as an officer is like (more than the current Gold Bar LT recruiter and a CPT or MAJ per ROTC BN or temporary Home Town Recruiter). I did a Yahoo search for Worcester, MA and Army ROTC and emailed the address I found. The ROTC recruiter, a CPT, gave me an honest, but patriotic speech, and asked me if it sounded good, and it did. You need more than commercials to get students to give up their college routine and be a Soldier and Student. Most don't think the sacrifice is worth it. That's a problem deeper than advertising.