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Thread: Leeroy Jenkins and the American way of advising

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  1. #1
    Council Member jkm_101_fso's Avatar
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    Default Leeeeeeeerrrrrooooyyyyy!!!!

    I laugh my ass off everytime I see this.

    Probably funny to me because I don't play World of Warcraft. Truth be told, I did try to play it once and I didn't get it.

    However, Madden 2010 is out today

    Rob Chamberlain has written some other pieces for AFJ and FIRES. We were LTs together at Campbell and in Iraq. I'm headed to his BN next month (actually I think he just PCS'd to USMA). He's insanely smart (Rhodes Scholar) and has an extremely unique way of explaining things sometimes. I applaud his effort on this one; the TT experience is one that is sometimes hard to capture with words, IMO. I talked to him about a half dozen times while he was on his MiTT deployment...and I hear a lot of that coming out in the article. Plus he commanded in 1/1 ID, the unit that had the TT mission until recently. I'd hate to speak on his behalf, but I know he had some heartburn with the training; both as a trainee and O/C. From my recent conversation with him, he sounded like a fan of the BCT-A concept.

    On a side note, some future BN Commanders from the Pre-Command Course spoke to my small group at CCC yesterday. I asked them their opinion of BCT-A and they seemed pretty clueless about it, but they thought that is the concept the army should have pursued initially instead of random HRC call-ups.
    Sir, what the hell are we doing?

  2. #2
    Council Member
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    From the wiki article:

    When asked about his actions in the video by National Public Radio, Ben Schultz [Leeroy Jenkins] simply responded: "We were drinking 40s and just yelling at each other."

  3. #3
    Council Member Fuchs's Avatar
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    The video is so funny because he chose the worst imaginable place to be uncooperative and overly aggressive. A single player can 'wipe' (kill) his whole team in that place because that place requires maximum discipline. A single wrong step can kill the whole team.

    I think that's a poor analogy for advising because a single poor adviser doesn't have that great secondary effect.

    The use of the Leeroy Jenkins character in the original text of that Captain was a work of genius, though. It guaranteed a high level of attention.

  4. #4
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    This may be a little off topic but useful none the less. Another gaming analogy to consider. This youtube clip features a hacker using a soundboard to mimic the player in this game who is responsible for giving out strike orders. It is a good example of disruption and its effect on group cohesion. The first 2.30 is good to watch.

    "Time's up. Leeeeeeeerooy Jenkins"
    Last edited by Taiko; 08-20-2009 at 08:27 AM.

  5. #5
    Council Member jkm_101_fso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
    I think that's a poor analogy for advising because a single poor adviser doesn't have that great secondary effect.
    I'd beg to differ, based off what I've seen. Especially if said advisor is the MiTT chief.
    Sir, what the hell are we doing?

  6. #6
    Council Member William F. Owen's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm all for a few more Leeeeeerrrrooy Jenkins and a little less ".33 repeating of course.. Pretty good plan... Oh my g@d! Stick to the plan!"

    No plan survives the orders process and work within the chaos, not against it!
    Infinity Journal "I don't care if this works in practice. I want to see it work in theory!"

    - The job of the British Army out here is to kill or capture Communist Terrorists in Malaya.
    - If we can double the ratio of kills per contact, we will soon put an end to the shooting in Malaya.
    Sir Gerald Templer, foreword to the "Conduct of Anti-Terrorist Operations in Malaya," 1958 Edition


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