When I was working with the Iraqis I discovered that one of the problems was that every Coalition team that came in taught them a different thing...

Then I discovered that the Iraqi Army had its own doctrine, heavily based on US doctrine and which included some very swept up aide memoires, field manuals and the like - naturally all in Arabic... Could I get an English translation? Could I hell! But I did find out that they were produced through MNSTC-I.

Echoing previous advice - find out what they are suppossed to be doing, what their doctrine is (they do have it), get a translation of their doctrine and take it from there.

Oh - and my first meeting with my CO was very business like as well with little chat. However by the end of the tour the Ops Officer wanted to leave his wife for e and the CO was feeding me the choicest cuts from the sheep's head. Stick with it - but be careful of the Ops Officer!