Quote Originally Posted by Westhawk View Post
As that IO battle percolates, McChrystal, whose stock price is probably dropping in the West Wing...
Good MSM snark line, poor serious comment IMO. Dana Milbank will love it, tho'...

All of the questions you pose will likely be asked by the ignorant (read MSM, Congress, WH Staffers) so for you to surface them in that vein as a preemptive effort to those yo-yos is worthwhile. If, OTOH, they are posed as serious questions, they are a terrible indictment of the Prez and his crew or who ever would ask such relatively inane questions.

"How will that look?" look?

Any connection between the ROE and the Talibs ability to attack? That's like asking if our presence in Afghanistan has any connection. 'When did you stop beating your wife, General McChrystal...'
...How will this strategy achieve the President's objective?
How well can you mix tactics and strategery...