The requirements for a well defended position and a patrol based that actually supports part of Formation level patrol plan, are not the same.
Okay, they are not the same, but please elaborate on the differences. I'm still not clear on what degree of skill is purportedly required to breath life into a COP/FOB, defense, whatever...

C2 to the outside world, good fields of fire and observation, basic drainage and life support systems, and yes, a plan for supporting patrols, are requisites. They are not beyond the skill of a basically-trained infantry officer or mortar platoon leader though.

Truth in lending...I do not support the notion that distributed COPs are the answer, and tend to side with the idea that we can do better with temporary coils when re-arm/refit is required, but keep our forces highly mobile and at a state of alert and readiness that allows for fast response to any threats that might cause surprise. Operations should be centered around patrolling as the active measure of defense, not as much as digging in. Pick the coil up and move it to another patch of dirt the next night, and so on. I think this can fit portions of the Afghanistan terrain fairly well, and can be sustained indefinitely, regardless whether it is LAV, HMMWV, MRAp (ugh...) or dismounted based.