bonjour ou bonsoir - wherever in He££ you happen to be "lodging" today.

As to this:

from MAL
Mike: As long as US do not ban Mac Donald, we have the right to defend ourselves...
... touché - and you are the awardee of this fine weapons system:

which did prevail at the 1760 Battle of Sainte-Foy - Monument aux Braves, where d'Aiguebelle's Grenadiers were the tip of the bayonet at Dumont's Windmill.

After that shameless promo for Québec tourism, we return to the subject at hand.

I also found your fourth link, Quand Galula était rayé des cadres de l'Armée ..., by Googling "David Galula" "biographie" "juif" (an example of a Gallic "mind" working ?). That article deals with the dicey problem faced by the young David Galula - that of being a Jew in Vichy France and Vichy Algeria. He survived - “Clausewitz de la contre-insurrection” (par Petraeus et Nagl) - that black period, Une page noire, jamais écrite, de l'histoire de l'armée.Quand vichy internait ses soldats juifs d'algerie.

An interesting question is to what extent (if any) did Galula's Jewish background influence his practice ? One answer is here, Deux grands stratèges juifs ont théorisé la guerre victorieuse de contre-insurrection.

Another question, for which I've seen no direct evidence, is whether Galula had close US links during WWII - such as the OSS ?

