Quote Originally Posted by IntelTrooper View Post
I think the key is to realize that if individual physical fitness is the goal, then PT formations are not the way to accomplish that goal.
I could even make the point that the way most units do it, it's counterproductive...
If the goal is something else, like someone's idea of what unit cohesion should look and smell like, well, I guess there's no arguing with that.
Heh. I've long believed that unit cohesion lies in the rank of the beholder. PSGs have a different view than even their Sqd Ldrs, Co cdrs and 1SGs have a different outlook, the folks at Bn/Sqn even more different. All that is aimed at mot units, there are a few exceptions but they're rare.

The senior leadership believes they're fostering unit cohesion by rotating units instead of individuals -- and that is an order of magnitude improvement; it's just a shame the Personnel system hasn't kept up -- they still try to do their things by, with and to individuals...

Mike F: All the foregoing not to disagree with your contention, I'm sure it's correct. My point was that it is very difficult to do stressful things in garrison and shared real stress, not hassles or formations, builds cohesion.

Umm, yes, that does mean that I believe PT as it is generally today construed and conducted is more hassle than benefit.