I think it is possible but requires a paradigm shift in our culture. We are, I think, still clinging to the old notion of creating automotons who follow orders above all else. Instead of rewarding initiative, we tend to look for where to pin the blame when things go wrong making individuals more afraid of failure than they are hungry for success. Instead of the attitude "he who risks wins" we seem to more often remember "he who risks might fail!" So we put the burden on the corporal to be strategic all the while implying that taking risks is not tolerated except when it works…implying that when it doesn't work, heads will roll. Rewards often come to those who make no decisions on their own. I think it is possible and essential as Major S. but it will be very difficult to achieve in our present culture. I think there have been improvements since I left the military back in the mid-80's but, from what I've seen since, the progress has been relatively slow in most services. Of course, all of that is simply my perception so I could be wrong - but I think it’s a perception shared by quite a few.