Why? Why would you do this? How do you know most folks wouldn't side with the father against the child?
Doesn’t matter if some or most of the folks side with the father, at least it opens up the dialogue.

OK. Nice story. So what?...and I see no reference to an Afghan writer? I may be wrong but wasn't it actually written by Ben Gilmour? If I was the local Taliban, that would be reason enough to dismiss it.
There’s a 10min CNN piece, in the “related videos” box on youtube, which explains how the film was made. The story was written in collaboration with the villagers… this is a story about them told in their own voice. The main actor (the father) is a Pashtun-Afghan refugee, there’s some reference to him being a mujahedeen against the soviets. The rest are Pashtun from the Pakistani side.

Not being cynical, but SWJ is about war and warfare. Maybe an excellent film, and I wish it luck, but I cannot see how this film changes anything in a practical sense or is relevant to us here on SWJ.
Call me a bigger cynic but this film has as much a shot as changing things as anything else we’re doing over there. There’s been several comments on this board regarding the need for more IO (not sure if that’s the correct term) such as establishing NATO friendly radio stations and etc. I don’t see this as being any different except maybe having just a tiny bit more credibility for being made independently.

One of the men in the CNN piece even talks about watching Rambo 3 a long time ago and enjoying it because “the heroes were Mujahadeens.” Good stories, whatever the format, usually present an argument or a lesson. They are also great for propaganda; whether it’s X-men comics reflecting the civil rights movement in America, or Capt America going to war against the Nazis or a court jester subtly pointing out the king’s follies. This film is not going to change anything over night but since we’re mostly likely in it for the long haul, the seeds we sow today might bear fruit years down the road.

As far as the entertainment people getting involved in these things, I’d say, better with us, than against us.
The Beast

Sorry I can't post the CNN video, b/c my work blocks youtube.