Nice. I'm glad that somebody smarter and more credible than me has finally said it. I was getting lonely beating this drum all by my lonesome here, here, here, here, and here (just off the top of my head).

Here is Admiral Mullen's assessment of our capability to leverage a whole of government approach to anything...
“We need a whole-of-government approach.”
“The United States military is necessary, but it is not sufficient alone,” Mullen said. He pointed out that the American military is stretched and is doing missions that servicemembers have not been trained to do.
Other Cabinet-level departments – State, Treasury, Commerce, Justice – have the proper expertise for “soft-power” missions and need to have personnel able to deploy to address these problems, Mullen said. “But in my opinion,” he added, “we are a good decade away from creating a capability in our other departments.”
- via DefenseLink News
(emphasis added)
And the data backs him up.