Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
Why? If you are getting the desired result without getting your hands dirty, then the best decision may be simply letting it happen, you may even make a few arrests to pretend you're cooperating. In the meantime the idiots in our country consuming this junk out a burden on multiple systems (legal, medical, etc.). The majority of youth in our country now don't even meet minimal standards to join the military, this will further worsen that issue, but no need to worry we have plan. It's called the third offset strategy, and we'll use robots in the future to protect our retards who are incapable of protecting themselves.
Ok, I'll buy the 'clean hands' theory.

SHANGHAI (AP) -- For a few thousand dollars, Chinese companies offer to export a powerful chemical that has been killing unsuspecting drug users and is so lethal that it presents a potential terrorism threat, an Associated Press investigation has found.
The AP identified 12 Chinese businesses that said they would export the chemical - a synthetic opioid known as carfentanil - to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium and Australia for as little as $2,750 a kilogram