you are absolutely correct in this:

from MikeF
Are you using your mind reading powers to read my magnum opus that I haven't written yet.
I am using my vastly enhanced "N" powers (iNtuitive of INTJ) to begin my program of examining and shaping the military mind - having now succeeded in knowing what the judge will do several weeks from now.[*]

Worry not about which hammer to use - Remote Viewing will allow you to control the nail directly from your desktop.

On a serious note, Chinese "unrestricted warfare" (much of which is not warfare in the "armed confllict" sense) is simply an amplification of Mao's ability to use both the armed struggle and the political struggle (and to switch emphasis back and forth as the situation demanded).

In crude form, we find that in his "shape shifting" use of the Eighth Route Army - sometimes a conventional force, sometimes a guerrilla force, sometimes a special force ala Wingate; but still the same force. That and a sophisticated campaign of political infiltration and subversion among the ChiNat forces.

[*] It also helped that all of the interested parties have now signed consents to my proposed course of action and the proposed order.

I have long since left the realm of sheep and goats as being beneath my talents.