Mountain Bikes are geared to achieve new heights!

In the 20's through the 70's bikes were used to transport weapons and supplies in several wars and insurrections. And probably still do. With the popularity of off road mountain bikes, have some bright eyed troopers of the Ranger Regt. or the Airborne community brought this two wheeled mule forward for testing?

The tires are a little skinny for beach assualts, but once off the sandy part perhaps the Marine Corps might consider them for machine gun section and 81mm mortar movers.

A clever grunt who needs to move baseplate and tube with a dozen or more rounds on one bike frame and the A/Gunner with 50 more rounds on another might be able to stay closer to the sound of guns.

I have relatives who used to wax poetic about the Flying Columns ability to move men and materials around Ireland by the dark of night.