Some thoughts generated by Wilf's last post.

SWC has its "rules" of conformity, which primarily deal with the behavior of the messenger, and presentation of the message; as Wilf correctly notes:

SWC is exceptionally well policed and monitored and the level of behaviour is excellent, so nothing to fear there.
But, as to the message (and the concomitant rule: attack the message, not the messenger), SWC places a premium on a type of non-conformity. The term "argument" seems generally too strong a word; although arguments do occur. Generally, the norm seems to be a "discussion" or "discourse" with intent to arrive at the "right" solution or solutions (since we are an unruly bunch of cats, not quite as laid back as the French cat Henri ).

That runs together with a premium on independent thinking, which because of the wide spectrum of topics requires attention not only to what you want to say, but to what others have said already. So, a certain amount of "disputation" constitutes SWC conformity, as Wilf points out:

We are also blessed with a whole raft of basically world-class but lesser known thinkers, too numerous to mention and I think they keep this place very honest indeed, and they are usually are not very deferential to folks here unless they can hold their own.
Why don't major think-tankers post here ? I dunno. Perhaps, it is because think-tanks tend to be somewhat bureaucratic institutions (each with its own culture), where "disputation" may be considered non-conformity or even counter-formity.

Since Andrew Exum is a native of East Tennessee, he should fit right in here.

As of writing this, SWC has Threads: 7,358, Posts: 85,462, Members: 3,852. Most members are readers and occasional posters (or simply fall away; sometimes after their pet theory has been shelled or ignored). Some posting stats (compiled just before I started this post):

No of posts and posters (26 Nov 2009):

50 or more - 164
100 or more - 101
250 or more - 60
500 or more - 38
1000 or more - 22
2000 or more - 9

So, to Wilf a virtual Turkey Schwarma platter; and to all a Happy Thanksgiving and ensuing holiday and holydays season - especially to those we have sent to foreign lands or who are enroute.

Best to all (and we have snow on the ground - just a little bit)
