
Far from it, they are very close to the definitions that we are indeed using; the trick is how to develop a training and/or education solution to best deliver in these three areas? I take the point of the PME being poor constructed for this specific area of expertise and it is for that exact reason that I have started this thread. I am keen that the emerging models are looked at critically throughout my thesis and have some views, unsurprisingly, that will be quite 'radical' in most military circles.

I think that the best solution should lie somewhere between on the job training (OJT) which looks at culture rather more generically, thus avoiding the diverted Marine unit alluded to above, and the more formal classroom based education. Of course we need to have some Mission Specific Training (MST) but in most theatres, other than those that are just opening up, this is delivered during the Receipt, Staging and Onward Integration (RSOI) phase of a roulement.