Quote Originally Posted by huskerguy7 View Post
Rex's assertions are dead on and make clear sense. What do you suggest? Should the US or Israel take military action against Iran? How bad will Iran's retaliation be through their proxies (I'm not worried about their Strait of Hormuz threats)? What will our (US) standing in the Middle East be? What if we miss the facilities and kill innocent Iranians along the way? The point is that a military strike is currently to difficult and complex to handle confidently. Don't underestimate the Iranians. Yes, we have access to much more power, but so far, Iran has been able to use its limited resources efficiently.

I agree with using a tough hand. That can be done through diplomacy. Military action should be a last resort.
Exactly as I said. It would take courage to remove this nuclear threat (or potential threat) and a list of the "what if's" provides an easy out. This timid approach merely delays the inevitable future confrontation where the stakes will be exponentially higher.