Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
If I were cynical (), I might note that it is in the interests of self-proclaimed elites (i.e. those who haven't earned that status, I have no problems with real elites) to do their best to convert the populace into a bunch of ignorant sheep. Once that's done, they are much easier to rule, and the selection process for elites becomes a form of noyeaux combat rather than a real meritocracy.
secret and FDR as well as many other real elites have tagged onto the pseudo elite bandwagon.

I, not at all regrettably, am totally cynical on that score -- those idiots cannot be trusted to govern because they become self annointing, self perpetuating and are, quite simply, dangerous. Take a look at the shambles they have made of the US K-12 education system to foster ignorance and skew goals.

WM is on target in that the media -- in their cupidity, and stupidity -- are a significant part of the problem. More would be 'elites'...