However, the human talent IN Haiti has been and remains pretty poor. Talented Haitians go to the US and Canada where they join the diaspora and contribute money but, generally, do not return to Haiti to lend their talents on a permanent basis. In the UNMIH era I recall one who attempted to do so, served as Prime Minister for a while, and was forced out by Pres Aristide. We need to recall that Pres Preval was Aristide's successor as President and, after having been a strong supporter, was totally undercut by Aristide ...

So, how much hope can one have that Haiti will rise to the challenge? How much hope can we have that the international community led by Brazil, Canada, Chile, and the US will retain its interest and will to nudge, cajole, support, train, fund, and threaten (if necessary) Haiti's leaders to themselves do the right thing?

On that cheery note
